Creating Estimates

In this tutorial,you will learn how to create an estimate.  Just like many other parts of ServiceCEO, there are many ways to start creating an estimate.

1) In the Customers Tab

Choose the customer record in view mode that you would like to create an estimate for.

In the Customer Record, scroll down to the Work Orders area and select Estimates.

Once here, select “Add Estimate” on the top-right corner.

2) In the Estimates Tab

From here, select “Add Estimate” in the top right of the screen.

This will bring you to the Customer Required screen, which allows you to choose an existing customer, or add a new one.

To select an existing customer, click “Select” next to their name.

3) On the Dispatch Board – On-Site Sales Call

On the disptach board, you can view the schedule for the day.  If you see an open time slot on a specific employee’s schedule, click on the time slot.

A new pop-up will appear prompting you with two options.

Select “On-Site Sales Call” and click “OK.”

This will bring you to the Customer Required screen, which allows you to choose an existing customer, or add a new one.

To select an existing customer, click “Select” next to their name.

4) On the Dispatch Board – Common Actions

From the Dispatch Board, navigate to the “Common actions” task bar on the top right of the screen.  Click on it to view your options.

To add an estimate, click on “Add Estimate.”  This will bring you to the Customer Required screen, which allows you to choose an existing customer, or add a new one.

To select an existing customer, click “Select” next to their name.

Note: For all four of the above options, you will be brought to the Opportunity Information tab.  For more information on the Opportunity Information tab and the On-Site Sales Call, please see the tutorial labeled “On-Site Sales Call.”

Once you have completed the previous steps, you will be on the Estimates tab of the New Estimate Screen.

From here, you can fill in the information for your estimate.  The Summary, Location, and Contact are be pre-filled based on the information you placed on the Opportunity Information screen.  You can also fill in an Issue Date (the date you are handing the estimate to the prospective customer) and the Days Before Expiration (the amount of days the Estimate is good for).  The Expiration Date will automatically populate based on the previous fields.

Scroll down now so that you can add estimated charges.

To add a product, service, or kit, select on of the three buttons on the top-right side.

Once you have chosen an option, a new screen will appear.

In the add charge area, you will be able to see the list of all of your charges in groups of ten.  To navigate through your charges, you can use the “Next>”, “<Previous”, “<<First”, or “Last>>” buttons found at the top-right and bottom-right of the screen.  You will also be able us the Search Bar to search for any Charge Name or Part No. (only within products and kits).  If you want to narrow down your results, use the “Categories” drop down to filter through your lists.  To add a product as is, simply select the “+” next to the charge.

To add a product with some modifications, click on the “+” with the pencil next to it.  This will bring up the “Edit” mode.

Here, you will be able to provide a more specific description of the charge, change your quantity, change the Unit Cost (how much it cost you), and the Unit-Sell Price.  You will also be able to add on any Sales Tax that you have set up so far.  Here, you also have the option to give discounts to the customer in either a fixed rate or a percentage that you define.  Once completed, be sure to click “OK.”

After you are done, the Charges area has your charges applied.

You can now see at the bottom you subtotals have been added for you.  If you need to make any changes to the charges that were already added, simply click on the paper and pencil icon or click the red “X” to delete the charge.

If there are any notes that you need to be reminded of or to show up on the estimate, they can be handled in the Notes area.

The Private Notes will only appear in ServiceCEO for you or your staff’s reference.  The Estimate Notes will appear on the actual estimate for the customer to see.

Once you have completed the Estimate, click “Save” at the top or bottom of the screen.

Once the Estimate is saved, you will have new options at the top-left of the screen.


To give your customer the Estimate, you can either:

1) Print – If you want a hard copy, you can select Print.

2) Email – This option will send an email to the customer with the Estimate attached.  

To email your customer the estimate, be sure to check the box next to their name.  You also have the option to CC the contact assigned on the On-Site Sales Call, the employee assigned to the On-Site Sales Call, the Sales Rep, yourself and add other employees and contacts that are attached to the account.  The email that will be sent is displayed below under “Message.”  To change the email template, you can go to the “Reporting Options,” which will be covered in a later training.  Note that you can modify or create the message here as well.  The Estimate will be sent as a PDF attachment to this email.  Click “Send” to send this to the Recipients.

This estimate will now be saved in the Customer’s record and in the Estimates tab to follow-up on later.

Posted in Estimates and Sales Management, Training Tutorials

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