Dispatch Board Basics

In this tutorial, you will learn how to use the basic functionality behind the Dispatch Board in ServiceCEO.

The Dispatch Board is the calendar within ServiceCEO, but it is also the central nervous system of the software.  You can start any work flow from this portion of the software.

Take a look at the top-right corner at the Common actions task bar.

By clicking on the Common actions bar, you can show a map of all of your work, add jobs, estimates, customers, and also print out work orders and route sheets for the day (or week).

Changing Layouts

You will be able to change the layout of the Dispatch Board by using the calendar and view options on the top-left of the Dispatch Board.

In this particular instance, you are viewing the Dispatch Board for this one day in 15 minute increments.  You can switch to view a whole week and also switch the increments in the day view from any increment from 15 minutes to 240 minutes.  Additionally, you can easily switch between days and weeks by using the arrows around the displayed date.  Finally, you can click on the Calendar icon to move easily between specific dates.

Teams and Employees

On the left-hand side of the Dispatch Board, you can see your employees and teams.

The Teams will be displayed on the top with the Employees displayed on the bottom.

If you click on an Employee’s name, it will bring up a pop-up.

From this pop-up, you will have access to your employee’s contact information (phone and email), you can click on “View Employee” to go to their employee record, you can view their driving directions for the day or week, or you can print their invoices, work orders, or route sheets for the day by using the drop-down Reports area.

Scheduled Jobs

Next to the employees, you will see all of your work orders that are scheduled out for the day (or week).

Each job is marked by a few different things:

Color – Marks the Status of the Work Order (Blue=Open, Green=Closed, Red=Cancelled)

Customer’s Name – Displayed in the center of the job

Zip Code – Zip or Postal Code of the Service Location

Icon – Substatus of the job created during implementation

To see more details on any job, simply click on the Customer’s name.

At the top, you will have the Summary of the Job (in this instance it is 5/22).  You also have quick access to the Customer file by clicking on the blue link or their contact information by clicking on the contact icon to the right of the customer link.  In this pop-up, you also see the current Status and Substatus, the Work Order number, the business unit the job is applied to, the service contact and location, and additional notes and information pertaining to this work order.  At the bottom of this pop-up, you will be able to print or email the invoice or work order for this job.

Note: The “Schedule another Work Order after this one” link is covered in our scheduling tutorial.

Drag and Drop Functionality

On the Dispatch Board, you can click down on and Work Order and move it to another time or employees schedule.

When doing this, note that a green message will pop-up above the Work Order, showing exactly where you are currently moving the Work Order to.  You can drag and drop jobs from the queues that will be covered in the next section of this tutorial.  Additionally, you can extend the amount of time allotted to a Work Order by hovering towards the end of the blue bar and dragging the job out.

Dispatch Board Queues

At the bottom of the Dispatch Board there are three lists.  

The Unassigned Work Orders are jobs that have a specific date and/or time but do not yet have an employee or team assigned.  This queue only shows jobs for the day or week that you are viewing.  When you have decided on an employee or team, you can simply drag and drop the job onto the Dispatch Board to schedule it with a specific employee or team.

The Unscheduled Work Orders are jobs that have no date, time, employee, or team assigned to them yet.  While the work order is in this queue, you will be able to see the Substatus, the Customer, the Duration of the job, the Service Location, and the Summary of the Job (with a link to the full work order).  You can also click on the blue bar to the right to see more information on the work order.  When you have decided on an employee and time, you can simply drag and drop the blue bar onto the Dispatch Board to schedule it with a specific employee or team.

The Earlier Opening Request queue is a list of work orders that have not been completed and the customer has requested an earlier opening than their scheduled appointment.  If the “Earlier Opening Request” checkbox has been selected on the work order, then it will appear on this list.  When you have decided on an employee and time, you can simply drag and drop the blue bar onto the Dispatch Board to schedule it with a specific employee or team.

Note: The names of the lists will appear Red if there are jobs that need to be assigned.

Custom Views – Dispatch Board

Custom Views allow you to limit the calendar to see only particular employees, teams, or types of jobs.

To create a new Custom View, click on “New View”.

On the left hand side, we see a list of Filter Options that will help us create the new view.  If you are using Business Units, you can select to choose work orders of a particular business unit.

You can also filter by your Employees or Teams assigned to the Work Orders.

Using this filter, you will be able to choose specific employees and even Unassigned work orders that have not be given to a particular employee.

You can also filter by the Job Type

This is useful for if you only wanted to filter through jobs of a particular purpose, whether it be a recurring job or a one-time job.

You can also filter by the Status and Substatus on the Work Order

You can narrow down these Work Orders by Status or even by Substatus.  This will help you set reminders, close out jobs, and make sure you stay on top of specific status types.

You can also filter by Service Locations.

Service Locations can be filtered by City, State/Province, or Zip as well as by Zone if you are using Zones within ServiceCEO.

Options Filtering

In the Options area, you can add or delete additional information from the Dispatch Board, such as removing unscheduled and earlier opening requests.  Additionally, you can add information to see, such as the Work Order Type or Zone flags.

Custom Fields

Custom Fields can help you define and sort criteria that is not naturally within ServiceCEO.

To complete creating a custom view, be sure to check off all of the criteria that you will be searching for, and select save.  You will now have that view permanently saved in your drop down views menu to help you sort through your Dispatch Board.

Posted in Scheduling and Dispatching Jobs, Training Tutorials

Managing Jobs and Work Orders

In this tutorial, you will learn how to manage jobs and work orders within ServiceCEO.

Dispatch Board Tips

There are many ways to do a job and to schedule a job.  Let’s start with a few tips for the Dispatch Board.

At the bottom of the Dispatch Board there are three lists.  

The Unassigned Work Orders are jobs that have a specific date and/or time but do not yet have an employee or team assigned.  This queue only shows jobs for the day or week that you are viewing.  When you have decided on an employee or team, you can simply drag and drop the job onto the Dispatch Board to schedule it with a specific employee or team.

The Unscheduled Work Orders are jobs that have no date, time, employee, or team assigned to them yet.  While the work order is in this queue, you will be able to see the Substatus, the Customer, the Duration of the job, the Service Location, and the Summary of the Job (with a link to the full work order).  You can also click on the blue bar to the right to see more information on the work order.  When you have decided on an employee and time, you can simply drag and drop the blue bar onto the Dispatch Board to schedule it with a specific employee or team.

The Earlier Opening Request queue is a list of work orders that have not been completed and the customer has requested an earlier opening than their scheduled appointment.  If the “Earlier Opening Request” checkbox has been selected on the work order, then it will appear on this list.  When you have decided on an employee and time, you can simply drag and drop the blue bar onto the Dispatch Board to schedule it with a specific employee or team.

Note: The names of the lists will appear Red if there are jobs that need to be assigned.

Entering a New Work Order – Dispatch Board

To enter a new job on the Dispatch Board, simply click on any white cell to prompt a pop-up box.

This pop-up confirms the correct time and enables you to choose a Job or an On-Site Sales Call.  In this case, we will select “Job” and click “OK”.

This will bring you to the Customer Required screen, which allows you to choose an existing customer, or add a new one.

To select an existing customer, click “Select” next to their name.

Creating  a Job

You will now be on your Job Information tab.

The Job Information screen is where the office will be able to track high-level information relating to the specific job.  The Summary area is the summary of the work that you will be doing.  If you are using Business Units, you will be able to assign this job to a different unit.  We also see our Status and Substatus.  The Substatus is useful to track where the job is in its life-cycle or to set any next steps.  The Marketing Campaign will carry over from the Customer Record, but if it was not, you can manually select an option.  If the Job will have more than one work order or day, you can fill out how many Work Orders the Job will require.

When completed, click “Next”.

Clicking “Next” and “Previous” is a great way to navigate around the system because it will save the page that you are on and bring you to the next page in the workflow.

Creating a Work Order

On the Work Order screen, you can note that your Work Order Number will be displayed on the top-right corner of the screen.  At this point, most of the information in the general area has been filled out.  You have the Customer name, the Summary, the Status, and Substatus that have all been filled out on the previous screens.  Additionally, if you had picked a specifc date and time on the Dispatch Board, the Start and End times will already be filled out.  Note that you must block off a Duration for the job.  The Arrival Window marks how far outside of your Start time that you can arrive.  The Early Opening Requested checkbox will place this work order in your Earlier Opening Requested queue on the Dispatch Board.

Scrolling down the Work Order you will find your Charges.

To add a product, service, or kit, select on of the three buttons on the top-right side.

Once you have chosen an option, a new screen will appear.

In the add charge area, you will be able to see the list of all of your charges in groups of ten.  To navigate through your charges, you can use the “Next>”, “<Previous”, “<<First”, or “Last>>” buttons found at the top-right and bottom-right of the screen.  You will also be able us the Search Bar to search for any Charge Name or Part No. (only within products and kits).  If you want to narrow down your results, use the “Categories” drop down to filter through your lists.  To add a product as is, simply select the “+” next to the charge.

To add a product with some modifications, click on the “+” with the pencil next to it.  This will bring up the “Edit” mode.

Here, you will be able to provide a more specific description of the charge, change your quantity, change the Unit Cost (how much it cost you), and the Unit-Sell Price.  You will also be able to add on any Sales Tax that you have set up so far.  Here, you also have the option to give discounts to the customer in either a fixed rate or a percentage that you define.  Once completed, be sure to click “OK.”

After you are done, the Charges area has your charges applied.

You can now see at the bottom you subtotals have been added for you.  If you need to make any changes to the charges that were already added, simply click on the paper and pencil icon or click the red “X” to delete the charge.

You can now assign an employee to this Job.

To do so, click on the “Add Employee” or “Add Team” button in the top-right.  Note: If scheduling from the Dispatch Board, the employee will already be assigned to the Work Order.

To add an Employee or Team, you can click on the “+” sign next to their name.  To Add and Edit the Employee (change their rate sheet or mark a specific time), click on the plus and pencil icon.  If you need to check your employee’s schedule for the proposed day, simply click on the rightward-facing, black arrow to reveal their schedule for the day.

After you have added your employees, you can come down to the Notes area.

If there are any notes you need your employees to know about, click on “Edit” next to the Work Order Notes are.

You can fill out as much information as you would like here.  Once completed, click “OK.”  Once this task has been completed, you can click on “Save” at the top or bottom of the Work Order tab.

Creating a Multi-Work Order Job

From the Dispatch Board, navigate to the “Common actions” task bar on the top right of the screen.  Click on it to view your options.

To add an estimate, click on “Add Job”.  This will bring you to the Customer Required screen, which allows you to choose an existing customer, or add a new one.

To select an existing customer, click “Select” next to their name.

You will now be on your Job Information tab.


Since you are scheduling a Job that will have more than one work order or day, you can fill out how many Work Orders the Job will require where it says “How many Work Orders will this Job have?”.

When completed, click “Next”.

Unlike scheduling a Single Work Order Job, you now have two work orders in the Work Orders tab.

On this screen, you should fill in the Start Date for the first day of the Job.  To see how to add Charges and assign Employees, please see earlier in this tutorial.

Once completed filling out the first day, click “Next” at the top or bottom of the Work Order.

On the Second Work Order, there are a few things to note.

Notice that the Work Order number now has a “-2” at the end.  This represents the second Work Order for this Job.  You can now schedule the second Work Order using the same methods as earlier in this tutorial.  Once this task has been completed, you can click on “Save” at the top or bottom of the Work Order tab.

Notice that the “Work Order” tab in this Job now says “Work Orders”.

If you click on this tab, you will come to a new screen.

You now have a list of all of the Work Orders that are attached to this Job or project.  If you need to add a third day, you can click on “Add Work Order” on the top-left.  You also have the ability to Copy a Work Order you have already created by clicking the “Copy” button to the far-right of the Work Order.

Note: Clicking “Copy” will duplicate everything in that Work Order.  Make sure you change the Start Date if this Work Order is to take place on a different day.

Closing Work Orders

Once you complete a Work Order, you need to close it in order to mark in the system that you are done with the work and are ready to collect money on that Job.  Open any Open Work Order in Edit Mode to begin closing out a Job.

Once in Edit Mode on a Work Order, move to the Status area, and change in from Open to Closed.  Click “Save” to complete closing.

Note: By default, closing a Work Order will issue an invoice to a client.  To change this setting, go to the “Jobs and Work Orders Settings” in the Settings tab.

Batch Closing Work Orders

If you do not need to view a Work Order before closing it, there is an option to batch close Work Orders.  To batch close, go to the Work Orders tab.

By default, the Work Orders tab is set to show all work orders without any filters.  To filter to the jobs that we want to close, create a Custom View and select it.  To learn how to create Custom Views, please see our training tutorial.

I have selected “Today’s Open” work orders.

Coming down from left to right, we first have our check boxes.  You can select Work Orders on the left for uses in the Common actions.

To batch close, you can simply check off multiple boxes, click on the common actions bar, and select “Close Work Orders”.

If you wish to close work orders for more than 10 of your work orders, first choose the “All” button.  A new link will pop up.  Select the link to select all customers in this view.

Custom Views in Work Orders tab

Custom views are a great way of filtering through your jobs to find the ones that you want to see or manipulate.  We will start on the Work Orders tab.

Views are managed in the view drop-down area.

You can easily switch views by toggling the drop-down to the list that you would like to see.

To create a new view, click the link for “New View.”

On the left hand side, we see a list of Filter Options that will help us create the new view.  If you are using Business Units, you can select to choose work orders of a particular business unit.

You can also filter by your Employees or Teams assigned to the Work Orders.

Using this filter, you will be able to choose specific employees and even Unassigned work orders that have not be given to a particular employee.

You can also filter by the Job Type

This is useful for if you only wanted to filter through jobs of a particular purpose, whether it be a recurring job or a one-time job.

You can also filter by the Status and Substatus on the Work Order

You can narrow down these Work Orders by Status or even by Substatus.  This will help you set reminders, close out jobs, and make sure you stay on top of specific status types.

Work Order Start Date

This allows you to view Work Order based on the day you scheduled them for.  Use the calendar drop-downs to specify a date range or choose one the the options in the drop-down above the calendars.

You can also filter by Service Locations.

Customer Location can be filtered by City, State/Province, or Zip as well as by Zone if you are using Zones within ServiceCEO.

Custom Fields can help you define criteria that is not naturally within ServiceCEO.

To complete creating a custom view, be sure to check off all of the criteria that you will be searching for, and select save.  You will now have that view permanently saved in your drop down views menu to help you sort through your work orders.

Scheduling Recurring Jobs

Create a new Job  and you will be on your Job Information tab.

To create a recurrence, click on “Add a Recurrence”.

This will bring up your frequency options screen.

There are many different frequency options within ServiceCEO.  For example, choosing daily and selecting “2” will schedule out the same job every two days.  Here are some other possible options:

Once you have selected your recurrence, click “Add”.


Note: Every different type of recurrence has multiple options behind them, creating a near limitless way of scheduling recurrences, even for your “Non-cookie cutter” customers.

After you add a recurrence, you will see it displayed on the Job Information tab.  If you need to add an additional recurrence to the Job, simply click on “Add Another Recurrence” on the top-right corner.  You will also be able to see the “Start Date.”  This is the day that the recurrence will begin on.  The Ends area selects when you want the recurrence to stop.

Note: If the customer ever cancels this recurrence, simply come to this area and select the Ends as today’s date.

Once completed, click “Next” at the bottom or top of the page.  You now need to set up the template for the Work Order that will be created on your recurring schedule.  Once completed, click “Save”.

Posted in Scheduling and Dispatching Jobs, Training Tutorials

Sales Opportunity Management

In this tutorial, you will learn how to manage and keep track of sales opportunities.

Through the Customer’s Record

You can view estimates created for a specific customer by accessing their customer record in the Customers tab.

Once inside a customer record scroll down to the Work Orders area.

Click on the tab that says Estimates to view the customers Open Estimates.To view more details on the Open Estimate, click on the blue link with the Estimate Number.  To edit the Open Estimate, click on the “paper and pencil” icon.  From this tab, you can also click on “View All Estimates” in the top-right corner in order to view all estimates that have been created for this customer.

Through the Estimates Tab

If you click on the Estimates tab, you will be able to view all estimates created for every customer.

From here, you can keep track by Customer, the Summary of each estimate, the Status (Open, Won, or Lost), the Substatus, the Value, the Issue Date, and any follow-up information.

To narrow down this list of estimates, use your custom view drop-downs.

Using the custom views, you will be able to filter through your list of opportunities in a variety of ways.  You can also create a new view by clicking on “New View”.

On the left hand side, we see a list of Filter Options that will help us create the new view.  If you are using Business Units, you can select to choose estimates in a particular business unit.

You can also filter by your sales representatives.

Using this filter, you will be able to choose specific sales reps and even Unassigned estimates that have not be given to a particular sales rep.

You can also filter by the Status and Substatus on the Estimate

You can narrow down these Estimates by Status or even by Substatus.

Creation Date

This allows you to view Estimates based on the day you created them.  Use the calendar drop-downs to specify a date range or choose one the the options in the drop-down above the calendars.

Issue Date

This allows you to view Estimates based on the day you issued the Estimate.  Use the calendar drop-downs to specify a date range or choose one the the options in the drop-down above the calendars.

Expiration Date

This allows you to view Estimates based on the day the Estimate expires.  Use the calendar drop-downs to specify a date range or choose one the the options in the drop-down above the calendars.

Won/Lost Date
This allows you to view Estimates based on the day the won or lost the Estimate.  Use the calendar drop-downs to specify a date range or choose one the the options in the drop-down above the calendars.

Follow-Up Date

This allows you to view Estimates based on the dates you wish to follow-up with the prospective client.  Use the calendar drop-downs to specify a date range or choose one the the options in the drop-down above the calendars.


Sorting by the Value (charges placed) assigned to the Estimate.


This tracks the probability that you will win the estimate.

Marketing Campaign

This will help you track or market to customers from a specific marketing campaign.

Service Location

Service Location can be filtered by City, State/Province, or Zip as well as by Zone if you are using Zones within ServiceCEO.

Custom Field Options

Custom Fields can help you define criteria that is not naturally within ServiceCEO.

To complete creating a custom view, be sure to check off all of the criteria that you will be searching for, and select save.  You will now have that view permanently saved in your drop down views menu to help you sort through your prospective clients and estimates for better follow-up.

Tracking Opportunities and Sales through Reports

We will start in the Reports tab.

Let’s get to this customer report by choosing the “Estimate Analysis” category.

Like all report categories within ServiceCEO, you will instantly see any reports you have previously created.  You can click “Run” to view the report, or click the pencil and pad icon to go and edit a report.  To build a new report, click on “Build New Report” on the top-right corner of the screen.

Note: All reports have two tabs.  The Criteria tab allows you to put filters on the report to determine what information will appear.  The Layout tab allows you to format how the report is displayed.


Let’s review our filter options.  Under Creation Date, you can set a filter for when estimates were created within ServiceCEO.

Let’s take a look at the Issue Date criteria filter.

In this filter, you can grab estimates from when you gave the estimate to the customer.

Let’s take a look at the Expiration Date criteria filter.

In this filter, you can grab estimates from when the estimate expires.

Let’s take a look at the Won/Lost Date criteria filter.

In this filter, you can grab estimates from when you won or lost the estimate.

If you are using Business Units, you can select to choose customers of a particular business unit.

You can also filter by the Status and Substatus on the Estimate

You can filter through your Estimates by Status or even by Substatus.


Sorting by the Value (charges placed) assigned to the Estimate.


This filters through the probability that you will win the estimate.

Sorting by Customer Type can be useful to sort through customers of a particular nature.

Service Location can be filtered by City, State/Province, or Zip as well as by Zone if you are using Zones within ServiceCEO.

Products and Services

This filter option will help you see how well specific categories of products and services are performing with your prospective customers.

Sales Reps

This filter option will allow you to view only specific employees or help you view a single employee’s sales record.

Marketing Campaign

This will help you track or market to prospective customers from a specific marketing campaign.


If you want to see how well you are doing in comparison to your competitors, this filter option can be very useful.

Note that you can also filter through different Custom Field options.

Custom Fields can help you define criteria that is not naturally within ServiceCEO.


Now let’s take a look at Layout Options.  

The most important part of the Layout area is the Format option.  The Summary View will show you your overall totals while the Detailed View will break down each individual estimate.  You also have the option to include Advanced Analytics and Estimated-to-Actual Analysis.

Next we have grouping.

This will allow you to add organization to your lists for easier viewing or categorizing.

In Optional Columns, you will be able to sort through Custom Fields.

The three Custom Field column options available on the Customer report are from the Customer Record, the Sales Rep file, the Opportunity Information area, the Estimate, or the Work Order that was created from the estimate.

To complete creating an Estimate Analysis report, be sure to check off all of the criteria that you will be searching for, select the proper layout, and select save.  You will now have the option to “Run” the report.

After running a report, you will have a few options on what you can do with the data, which can all be seen on the top-left of the report.


You can print the report, export it to excel for further editing, or save it to your computer as a PDF document.

Posted in Estimates and Sales Management, Training Tutorials

Creating Estimates

In this tutorial,you will learn how to create an estimate.  Just like many other parts of ServiceCEO, there are many ways to start creating an estimate.

1) In the Customers Tab

Choose the customer record in view mode that you would like to create an estimate for.

In the Customer Record, scroll down to the Work Orders area and select Estimates.

Once here, select “Add Estimate” on the top-right corner.

2) In the Estimates Tab

From here, select “Add Estimate” in the top right of the screen.

This will bring you to the Customer Required screen, which allows you to choose an existing customer, or add a new one.

To select an existing customer, click “Select” next to their name.

3) On the Dispatch Board – On-Site Sales Call

On the disptach board, you can view the schedule for the day.  If you see an open time slot on a specific employee’s schedule, click on the time slot.

A new pop-up will appear prompting you with two options.

Select “On-Site Sales Call” and click “OK.”

This will bring you to the Customer Required screen, which allows you to choose an existing customer, or add a new one.

To select an existing customer, click “Select” next to their name.

4) On the Dispatch Board – Common Actions

From the Dispatch Board, navigate to the “Common actions” task bar on the top right of the screen.  Click on it to view your options.

To add an estimate, click on “Add Estimate.”  This will bring you to the Customer Required screen, which allows you to choose an existing customer, or add a new one.

To select an existing customer, click “Select” next to their name.

Note: For all four of the above options, you will be brought to the Opportunity Information tab.  For more information on the Opportunity Information tab and the On-Site Sales Call, please see the tutorial labeled “On-Site Sales Call.”

Once you have completed the previous steps, you will be on the Estimates tab of the New Estimate Screen.

From here, you can fill in the information for your estimate.  The Summary, Location, and Contact are be pre-filled based on the information you placed on the Opportunity Information screen.  You can also fill in an Issue Date (the date you are handing the estimate to the prospective customer) and the Days Before Expiration (the amount of days the Estimate is good for).  The Expiration Date will automatically populate based on the previous fields.

Scroll down now so that you can add estimated charges.

To add a product, service, or kit, select on of the three buttons on the top-right side.

Once you have chosen an option, a new screen will appear.

In the add charge area, you will be able to see the list of all of your charges in groups of ten.  To navigate through your charges, you can use the “Next>”, “<Previous”, “<<First”, or “Last>>” buttons found at the top-right and bottom-right of the screen.  You will also be able us the Search Bar to search for any Charge Name or Part No. (only within products and kits).  If you want to narrow down your results, use the “Categories” drop down to filter through your lists.  To add a product as is, simply select the “+” next to the charge.

To add a product with some modifications, click on the “+” with the pencil next to it.  This will bring up the “Edit” mode.

Here, you will be able to provide a more specific description of the charge, change your quantity, change the Unit Cost (how much it cost you), and the Unit-Sell Price.  You will also be able to add on any Sales Tax that you have set up so far.  Here, you also have the option to give discounts to the customer in either a fixed rate or a percentage that you define.  Once completed, be sure to click “OK.”

After you are done, the Charges area has your charges applied.

You can now see at the bottom you subtotals have been added for you.  If you need to make any changes to the charges that were already added, simply click on the paper and pencil icon or click the red “X” to delete the charge.

If there are any notes that you need to be reminded of or to show up on the estimate, they can be handled in the Notes area.

The Private Notes will only appear in ServiceCEO for you or your staff’s reference.  The Estimate Notes will appear on the actual estimate for the customer to see.

Once you have completed the Estimate, click “Save” at the top or bottom of the screen.

Once the Estimate is saved, you will have new options at the top-left of the screen.


To give your customer the Estimate, you can either:

1) Print – If you want a hard copy, you can select Print.

2) Email – This option will send an email to the customer with the Estimate attached.  

To email your customer the estimate, be sure to check the box next to their name.  You also have the option to CC the contact assigned on the On-Site Sales Call, the employee assigned to the On-Site Sales Call, the Sales Rep, yourself and add other employees and contacts that are attached to the account.  The email that will be sent is displayed below under “Message.”  To change the email template, you can go to the “Reporting Options,” which will be covered in a later training.  Note that you can modify or create the message here as well.  The Estimate will be sent as a PDF attachment to this email.  Click “Send” to send this to the Recipients.

This estimate will now be saved in the Customer’s record and in the Estimates tab to follow-up on later.

Posted in Estimates and Sales Management, Training Tutorials

Scheduling On-Site Sales Calls

In this tutorial, you will learn how to schedule an on-site sales call.  An on-site sales call is a visit to a customer’s location where you will create an estimate for potential work.  There are a few ways to create an on-site sales call.

1) In the Customers Tab

Choose the customer record in view mode that you would like to create the on-site sales call.

In the Customer Record, scroll down to the Work Orders area and select Estimates.

Once here, select “Add Estimate” on the top-right corner.

2) In the Estimates Tab

From here, select “Add Estimate” in the top right of the screen.

This will bring you to the Customer Required screen, which allows you to choose an existing customer, or add a new one.

To select an existing customer, click “Select” next to their name.

3) On the Dispatch Board

On the dispatch board, you can view the schedule for the day.  If you see an open time slot on a specific employee’s schedule, click on the time slot.

A new pop-up will appear prompting you with two options.

Select “On-Site Sales Call” and click “OK.”

This will bring you to the Customer Required screen, which allows you to choose an existing customer, or add a new one.

To select an existing customer, click “Select” next to their name.

Creating an On-Site Sales Call – Opportunity Information Tab

To create an on-site sales call, we will begin by filling out the Opportunity Information screen.

You can select a specific contact for your customer and provide a summary for what kind of estimate we will be creating.  Note that the Status will remain open until we schedule the On-Site Sales Call.  You can also mark the Substatus according to the ones you have created for your sales process.   Logging probability of how likely you think you are of closing the deal will help with your forecasting of future work.  The Marketing Campaign field will automatically fill with the Marketing Campaign at the Customer level, but you can change it in case they heard about a different promotion you are running.  You can provide follow-up notes and a date to follow-up.You can also load any private notes you may have about this Opportunity and if there are any Customer Notes written in the Customer file, they will automatically populate here as well.  You will also be able to add a Sales Representative to this Opportunity by clicking any of the three options to the top-right.

If the customer has noted that they have been looking into other companies for the work, you can track that competition here as well.  

To add a competitor, select “Add Competitor” on the top-right corner.

This will bring up the Add Competitor Screen.

If the competitor is in the list, you can select the competitor.  If not, you can select “Add New.”

When adding a competitor, you will fill out the name of the company, any comments you may have, and the price they were quoted for their estimate.  When completed, click “OK.”

Once all of the information you require has been filled out on the Opportunity Information tab, go to the top of the Opportunity Information screen and click “Next.”

Creating an On-Site Sales Call

On the On-Site Sales Call tab, you will see that you have the option to check the box if the Estimate requires someone from your business to go on site.  If this is not a requirement, click “Next.”  To schedule an On-Site Sales Call, check off the box.

You will notice a few more options appear.

From here, you will be able to pick the start time and end time of the On-Site Sales Call, add employees or teams, change service locations or contacts, and modify any custom fields that you may have.

Note: If you schedule through the Dispatch Board, the date, time, and employee will already be assigned to this On-Site Sales Call.

If there are any notes you need your employees to know about, click on “Edit” next to the Work Order Notes are.

You can fill out as much information as you would like here.  Once completed, click “OK.”  Once this task has been completed, you can click on “Save” at the top or bottom of the On-Site Sales Call tab.  

Now that we have saved the On-Site Sales Call, there are a few options available that can be seen on the top-left side of the On-Site Sales Call tab.

1) Print – If you want a hard copy, you can select Print.

2)Email Employees – I can also send an email reminder to my employees by clicking on “Email Employees.”

To email your employee, be sure to check the box next to their name.  You also have the option to CC yourself and add other employees and contacts that are not attached to the account.  The email that will be sent is displayed below under “Message.”  To change the email template, you can go to the “Reporting Options,” which will be covered in a later training.  Note that you can modify or create the message here as well.  The On-Site Sales Call will be sent as a PDF attachment to this email.  Click “Send” to send this to the Recipients.

3) Email Customer Reminder – This option will send an email reminder to the customer.  

To email your customer reminder, be sure to check the box next to their name.  You also have the option to CC the assigned employee, yourself and add other employees and contacts that are attached to the account.  The email that will be sent is displayed below under “Message.”  To change the email template, you can go to the “Reporting Options,” which will be covered in a later training.  Note that you can modify or create the message here as well.  Click “Send” to send this to the Recipients.

Posted in Estimates and Sales Management, Training Tutorials

Customer List Report

In this training, you will learn to build a customer list report.

We will start in the Reports tab.

Let’s get to this customer report by choosing the “Customer List” category.

Like all report categories within ServiceCEO, you will instantly see any reports you have previously created.  You can click “Run” to view the report, or click the pencil and pad icon to go and edit a report.  To build a new report, click on “Build New Report” on the top-right corner of the screen.

All reports have two tabs.  The Criteria tab allows you to put filters on the report to determine what information will appear.  The Layout tab allows you to format how the report is displayed.


Let’s review our filter options.  Under Creation Date, you can set a filter for when customer were created within ServiceCEO.

Let’s take a look at the First Service Date criteria filter.

In this filter, you can grab customers from their first date of service within ServiceCEO.

In Service/Estimate Dates, you can show customers based on services.

Using this filter, you can show customers that have work done for them in a particular date range, had an estimate presented to them in a particular date range, or had no service within a particular date range.

If you are using Business Units, you can select to choose customers of a particular business unit.

You can also filter by Customer Location.

Customer Location can be filtered by City, State/Province, or Zip as well as by Zone if you are using Zones within ServiceCEO.

You can also filter by Customer Status

Customer Status is automatically defined in the system by the customer’s activity.

Sorting by Customer Type can be useful to sort through customers of a particular nature.

Sorting by Customer Balance

Sorting by Customer Balance will help you identify any outstanding clients balances.

Sorting by Marketing Campaign

This will help you track or market to customers from a specific marketing campaign.

Note that you can also filter through different Custom Field options.

Custom Fields can help you define criteria that is not naturally within ServiceCEO.


Now let’s take a look at Layout Options.  

The most important part of the Layout area is the Format option.  This decides if the list will be phone numbers, emails lists, mailing labels, or all of the information about customers.

Next we have grouping.

This will allow you to add organization to your lists for easier viewing or categorizing.

In Optional Columns, you will be able to sort through Custom Fields.

The three Custom Field column options available on the Customer report are from the Customer Record, the Contact Record, or the Location Record.  To complete creating a customer report, be sure to check off all of the criteria that you will be searching for, select the proper layout, and select “Save”.

Running a Report

You will now have the option to “Run” the report.

After running a report, you will have a few options on what you can do with the data, which can all be seen on the top-left of the report.


You can print the report, export it to excel for further editing, or save it to your computer as a PDF document.

Posted in Customer Relationship Management, Training Tutorials

Building and Using Custom Views

In this tutorial, you will learn to create custom views in the Customers tab of ServiceCEO.  Custom views are a great way to narrow down the list of customers you are looking at to only show those that fit the criteria you are choosing.

Overview of Views

Views are managed in the view drop-down area.

You can easily switch views by toggling the drop-down to the list that you would like to see.

 To create a new view, click the link for “New View.”

Building a New View

On the left hand side, we see a list of Filter Options that will help us create the new view.  If you are using Business Units, you can select to choose customers of a particular business unit.

You can also filter by Customer Location.Customer Location can be filtered by City, State/Province, or Zip as well as by Zone if you are using Zones within ServiceCEO.

You can also filter by Customer Status.

Customer Status is automatically defined in the system by the customer’s activity.

Sorting by Customer Type can be useful to sort through customers of a particular nature.

Sorting by Customer Balance.

Sorting by Customer Balance will help you identify any outstanding clients balances.


Note that you can also filter through different Custom Field options.

Custom Fields can help you define criteria that is not naturally within ServiceCEO.

To complete creating a custom view, be sure to check off all of the criteria that you will be searching for, and select “Save”.  You will now have that view permanently saved in your drop down views menu.

Posted in Customer Relationship Management, Training Tutorials

Customer, Contact, and Locations Record Keeping

In this tutorial, you will learn how to navigate through a customer’s information, create new customers, and add additional contacts and locations.

Customers Tab

On the customers tab, you will see a list of customers depending on the view that you are in.  Note that it will only display 10 customers at a time.  To see the next batch, hit next or last to get to the very end of the page.

Coming down from left to right, we first have our check boxes.  You can select customers on the left for uses in the common actions.

For example, if you wanted to print billing statements for multiple clients, you can simply check off multiple boxes, click on the common actions bar, and select, print billing statements.

If you wish to print billing statements for more than 10 of your customers, first choose the “All” button.

 A new link will pop up.  Select the link to select all customers in this view.

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Posted in Customer Relationship Management, Training Tutorials

How to Get Support

In this tutorial, you will learn how to get technical support help.

Support Business Hours – M-F, 9a.m. – 5p.m. EST

If you are running into any issues, you can reach our support team simply using the links provided at the top of ServiceCEO.  

Live Chat

The best way to reach our support team is through the live chat feature.  If you click on Live Chat you will notice that it looks just like an instant messenger window.  

Simply fill in your information, let us know where you are contacting us from, and give us a summary of what we can do to help you.  Once you click the submit button, a chat window will open up for you and a support member will be with you shortly.

Support Ticket

To create a support ticket, click on the “Support” button at the top of ServiceCEO.  This will bring a pop-up window for you to view.
You can fill out the subject, which case reason, what part of the system it exists in the functional area, provide a brief description, and let us know the best way to reach you.  When you are finished, please click submit, and a support representative will reach out to you shortly.


You can also reach our support team through the phone number written at the top of ServiceCEO, which is 1(866) 982-9464.

Posted in Getting Started with ServiceCEO, Training Tutorials

Personal Information Settings

In this tutorial,  you will start entering basic information about yourself, define personal settings, and change your password.

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Posted in Getting Started with ServiceCEO, Training Tutorials