Customer, Contact, and Locations Record Keeping

In this tutorial, you will learn how to navigate through a customer’s information, create new customers, and add additional contacts and locations.

Customers Tab

On the customers tab, you will see a list of customers depending on the view that you are in.  Note that it will only display 10 customers at a time.  To see the next batch, hit next or last to get to the very end of the page.

Coming down from left to right, we first have our check boxes.  You can select customers on the left for uses in the common actions.

For example, if you wanted to print billing statements for multiple clients, you can simply check off multiple boxes, click on the common actions bar, and select, print billing statements.

If you wish to print billing statements for more than 10 of your customers, first choose the “All” button.

 A new link will pop up.  Select the link to select all customers in this view.

Any place you see a pencil and pad icon will bring you into the “edit mode.”  By clicking on the blue customer name, you will go to a “view mode” of the Customer record.  You will also be able to see the main phone number, see the record on the default service location and see the record on the default service contact.  Note that you have unlimited contacts and locations under each customer record, but only the default choices will display on this screen.

Finally we have the Customer Status.  This is updated based on the customers activity in the system.

No Activity means no work, active is open jobs scheduled, active recurring has scheduled ongoing, prospect means active estimate open.  Inactive means you have done work in the past, but there is no open jobs for them currently.

In the search bar, you will be able to search by any customer name, phone number, location, or contact attached to the account.

You can also create custom views, which is covered in another post.

Customer Record

First, let’s look into a customer file by click on the customer name.

Inside the customer record, there are a lot of things to be aware of.  First is the customer account number which is sent sequentially based on when the customer is created within the system.  Their name, status, and current balance for the customer is also show.  The balance will be red if they own you money or black if they have credit on file.  Additionally, you will be able to view the Customer Type (set up in Settings), the Owner (the user who created the account), the original marketing campaign that brought them to you, as well as the default service and contact location and default billing contact and location.


Please take time to note the “Common actions” button.

This button allows you to add to contacts and locations for this customer, start building a job or an estimate, apply payment to the customer, print billing statements, or view all of their work order, invoice, and estimate history.

Next we have the Notes area.

Anything in private notes are only seen by ServiceCEO users CSR security or higher.  The Work Order Notes will apply notes to all jobs for this client.

Note: If the user has multiple locations, there is a separate section to fill in notes about each location that will be covered later.  Invoice Notes will appear on all invoices for this client.

Coming further down the customer record, we have access to more information.

Here we will see our upcoming work order.  It will show the next three jobs you have scheduled.  To see all of their history, click on the “View All Work Orders” link on the top right-hand side.

Next, we have Recurring Jobs.

This is an index of all the recurring jobs that have been set up for this customer.  It will allow you to view them or edit them to make changes.

Next we have Estimates.  

The system is only going to show you your Open Estimates.  To see all of their estimate history, click on “View All Estimates.”

Now we come to Files.

You can store files in ServiceCEO on both the customer and work order level.  If stored on the work order level, it will automatically appear on the customer level.  Note: there is a 10MB size file limit for every file.  However, there is no cap on file storage.

Here we also have our Feedback tab.

This is an opportunity to enter into feedback for or about this customer.  Note that all feedback can link to Jobs, Work Orders, Estimates, and Employees.

Let’s scroll down and take a look into our customer’s accounting information.  First we will start with the Invoices area.

The system is only going to show you your Open Invoices.  To see all of their estimate history, click on “View All Invoices.”

The next tab is Payments.

The system is going to show you your last three(3) payments.  To see all of their estimate history, click on “View All Invoices.”  If there is a payment with an unapplied amount, you will be able to click “Apply Payment.”  This will allow you to apply this payment to any invoice that carries a balance.

Down at the bottom of the customer record we have Contacts and Locations.

You can have as many contacts as you would like attached to the account.  You can edit or view any contacts from here.  Also, you will be able to add new contacts by click the “Add Contact” button on the top right-hand side.

We can do the same for locations.

You can have as many locations as you would like attached to the account.  You can edit or view any locations from here.  Also, you will be able to add new locations by click the “Add Location” button on the top right-hand side.  Within the Locations area, you will also see if a location has been assigned to a particular zone, which will be marked by a colored flag.

 Adding a Location

Let’s try adding a new location.

When you are adding a location, you have the option to have a “named” location.  This is not necessary, but it sometimes helps to label a location to make it easier to find the building.

When filling out the address, try clicking on “Validate Zone” after typing in just the address.

This brings up a list of all street addresses within your service area.  This will enable you to make sure the address is real, save time from filling all of the information, as well as automatically assign Zone and Tax rules to this location.

The “Add Location” area also allows you to add a new contact by checking the “Add New Contact (Optional)” Box.

This links the contact and location together.  Once finished, click “Save”.

To edit “Location Notes,” go into edit mode under any location from the Customer tab.

Once in edit mode, you can choose to edit the “Work Order Notes.”  These notes will appear every time you service this location.

 Adding a Customer Record

Now that you have a good understanding of a customer record, let’s try creating a new one.  

From the “Customer” tab, click on “Add Customer”

Here is the New Customer screen.

There are four required fields in ServiceCEO: First Name, Last Name, Customer Name, and Street.  If you do not have an address, leave “– Enter street here –” and you can fill it out later.  You can fill in the contact information for the client using all of the fields below.  If you are using the Customer Web Portal feature, be sure to fill in the email address and check “Customer Portal User” box.  This will automatically send the customer a temporary password.  Note the Marketing Campaign area where you can track where the customer found out about your business.  Also, tracking Customer Types will be useful for marketing and sorting as you build your database.

Note: For a commercial client, there are some things to note.  The information you place here will create the main contact at your commercial account.  Make sure that you change the “Customer Name” area (which defaults to the “Last Name, First Name”) to the business name.  If you have multiple contacts and locations for this commercial account, you can create them once you have saved this file.

Posted in Customer Relationship Management, Training Tutorials

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